Never have the big two held such a tenuous grip on the world of comics. Never have there been so many creators free to tell stories without creative restrictions imposed upon them by the corporate mentalities of (formerly) mainstream editors busily holding their bloated properties aloft.
There have never been this many kinds of comics!
Although I aspire to lofty intellectual goals for my comics, I feel I succeed more in representing life as it is, warts and all. Plus, I'm always a fan of anything truly weird. And I'm certainly not above toilet humor, as you'll see.
We, as consumers, have never had such direct contact with we, the creators; free of owners and middlemen, we are our own mainstream now.
So get some of these books!
Who is This
Sam Guy?
Day after day, all I think about is comics.
Characters and what I'd do with them; artists and writers and their histories and motivations; the big two and what they're doing right and wrong; Manga and how it's taking over; tonal qualities and how they used to be the province of the artist – now the colorist handles that job. Do comics really need all that color? Is there still a place for black-and-white line-art with non-tv writing in the modern comic book market? Let’s find out!
Who is James?
He’s a writer and musician who scripts the fake ads, Day Drinkin’ and youtube videos. He enjoys Canadian Club and Letter-Kenny.
Who...what...is pigbomb?
A mysterious source of conspiracy and subversive artwork shrouded in whiskey and cigarette smoke. More can be found at truthfog.com
Who is Jeff Farnam?
He’s the mini-comic guy-better than I at random humor and invented the unique binding he uses on his minis.
Who is...Chris McCormack?
A rogue, a scoundrel, a bishop and a hell-raiser! He also creates the misunderstood Man of the Glove as well as tasty dogs and fries at McCormack’s Chicago Style Hot Dogs and Fries in Springfield, Oregon Mccormacks Chicago Style
1 (541) 283-2496
“Reading the Dregs makes me feel kind of dirty inside...”